How to Make and Populate an Animal Farm in Minecraft

Fernando Meyer


The updated version of Minecraft tweaked the way characters interact with at least one of the animals in the game. This is important if you want to quickly and easily build a thriving animal farm from which you can harvest meats, eggs, milk, wool, and other supplies. Creating a farm in Minecraft may seem daunting, but we’ve compiled some helpful hints to ease the process.

Minecraft, the pixelated world of endless possibilities, allows players to create a myriad of structures, from towering castles to underground lairs. Among these, an animal farm stands out as both a functional and aesthetic addition to any player’s domain. But how do you go about setting up one? Let’s delve into the steps to create and populate your animal farm.

Choosing a Suitable Location for Your Farm

Before you dive into building, selecting the right spot is crucial. Imagine building on the edge of a desert, only to realize that your animals are prone to wandering off into cacti!

  • Grasslands and plains are ideal due to the abundance of space and flat land.
  • Forests can provide a scenic backdrop, but might require a bit of clearing.
  • Keep in mind that space and accessibility are paramount. Ensure your chosen location is spacious for your animals and easily accessible for you.

Since my kids convinced me that playing Minecraft in full-on survival mode wasn’t so terrifying, I have become quite the farmer. Hunger is as quick a killer as anything, especially if you choose to live most of your life in relative safety, underground. So, to solve the problem, I set about building a cool farm, all protected from monsters within my giant underground fortress.

Here are some of my best tips for populating your own animal farm quickly and easily on your Minecraft game.

Don’t kill all the animals you encounter

It may be tempting to kill all the animals you can find as quickly as you find them, but if you do, any new ones that spawn may be far away, and it could take a long time to build your farm. Resist the temptation unless you absolutely must kill one to survive. Instead, let them roam peacefully near your home until you can lure them to an enclosure.

Farm some wheat

The first thing you’ll need to get a cow, sheep, or chicken into a safe enclosure is some wheat. Look for tall grass and chop it down. Wheat seeds will drop from some of the cut grass. Find a safe place near water where you can plant the wheat seeds.

How to create a Wheat farm

Now, to plant wheat, you’ll need to hoe the ground. If you haven’t already, chop down some wood and make a crafting table. Then make a hoe. A wooden one will do. Hoe the dirt near the water and plant your wheat seeds. Soon they will mature and turn brown on top, then you can chop them down and replant the seeds.

Lure cows and sheep with wheat

Using the wheat, you can lure cows and sheep back to your home and enclose them with a fence outside or bring them right on into your house. I prefer to build my home underground and make a big enclosed pasture lit with torches and glass skylights, but you can make whatever kind you like. Just make sure there is dirt on the ground and a light source, so the grass will grow.

Lure the sheep and cows inside your enclosure. Once you have at least one pair of cows or sheep, you can spawn babies by feeding two of the adults some wheat. They will enter love mode and spawn offspring. You can repeat this until you have a small herd or flock in your enclosure.

Lure chickens with wheat seeds

Just like you lured the cows and sheep, you can lure chickens into a prepared enclosure or your home with wheat seeds. Once you have two, you can spawn more by feeding them wheat seeds. You can also spawn more sometimes by throwing eggs on the ground.

Lure pigs with carrots

This big change occurred in Update 14 of Minecraft Xbox 360. Pigs used to follow wheat, just like cows and sheep, but now they follow carrots. You can steal carrots from the farms of villagers if you find a nearby village. Of course, that may take more effort than finding wheat, but don’t give up and kill off all the nearby pigs until you have found your carrots because you can ride pigs now, and that’s pretty cool.

Personalizing Your Animal Farm

Make your farm uniquely yours!

  1. Decorative Touches: Consider adding pathways between enclosures, or perhaps a water feature in the middle. Planting flowers can also spruce up the look.
  2. Themed Ideas: Take inspiration from real-world farms. How about a barnyard look with red barns? Or perhaps a serene mountain retreat for high-altitude animals?

A few final hints

If you can’t get an animal to come through a doorway or gate, you may have to break it and put it back after they have gone through. Also, other players standing too close can distract the animal that is following you, so make sure other players stay back if you are attempting to lure some livestock home.

Also, be aware that your enclosure must be sized right, or your animals will despawn. I learned this the hard way when the farm we’d worked on so hard was left completely empty after we went out adventuring for a couple of day cycles. I have read that pens smaller than 20 spaces in any direction are safe, but I like to keep mine less than 15 spaces in any direction for good measure.

Finally, chickens, pigs, and baby animals can go through spaces only one block high, so look out for any low openings in walls. And make sure none of your walls are comprised of stair blocks because your smaller animals can get out that way. As I discovered in a scene I returned just in time to witness, wolves can also get in. It was just about as tragic as Minecraft gets.

There are many different mobs in the Minecraft world. In survival mode, a player should build their own farm and breed animals back at their base. This makes it easier to get the rare loot from mobs without having to travel far. We hope this guide on how to make a farm in Minecraft was helpful.

In conclusion, building an animal farm in Minecraft combines creativity with functionality. Not only do you have a ready supply of resources from your animals, but you also get to design and personalize a unique space. As you advance, keep experimenting, and remember – in the world of Minecraft, the only limit is your imagination.

How’s your Minecraft farming journey coming along? Feel free to share pictures or anecdotes of your farms, and if you have any ingenious tips, do share them with our community. Let’s keep crafting and creating!

Fernando Meyer

Fernando Meyer

Fernando Meyer is a freelance writer and founder of F-Meyer website. His writing strengths include business, financial topics, and lifestyle. He uses his life experiences to inspire his detailed and informative style of writing.

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