Feng Shui Office Layout L Shaped Desk

Fernando Meyer


You need a feng shui office layout that’s conducive to productivity, a positive attitude, and organization. You probably already know that clutter and uncomfortable desks will restrict your ability to focus, but have you ever considered employing the principles and elements of feng shui to improve your office? Keep reading for over 40 feng shui office layout l shaped desk tips that will promote efficiency, wealth, good business, and most of all, good energy.

Feng Shui Office Layout Basics

These basic feng shui principles can be applied to all of your design projects in your office.

  1. Water and wealth: If your house is positioned near water, make sure that your office is located so that the water flows in front of it, which means that wealth will flow towards you.
  2. Have your own room: To promote the best energy and concentration, do not share an office with someone else.
  3. Keep the middle of your office open and clear: The center of the room is known as the 6, 1, 8-star combination and is also the “heart of the office.” Keep this area open and free from barriers.
  4. Get rid of objects that recall bad memories: Any objects or decorations that remind you of unpleasant memories should be removed because they bring bad energy.
  5. Incorporate all 5 elements of feng shui: These are wood, fire, earth, metal, and water, represented by colors like green and brown, red and orange, light brown and light yellow, white and gray, and blue and black, respectively.
  6. Embrace change: The third principle of feng shui is that everything is constantly changing. Don’t be afraid of change: instead, acknowledge and even embrace change, and your business will prosper.
  7. Have a separate, outdoor entrance for clients: If you welcome clients to your office, don’t greet them by walking them through your home first: this distracts them from business and could hurt your meeting.
  8. Pick a room with good natural lighting and ventilation: A room with higher ceilings should have good lighting and ventilation that will keep you focused and inspired.
  9. Keep front and side areas near the entryway open: Don’t let any furniture or decorations obstruct the front and sides of your main door so that the chi, or energy, can flow freely.
  10. Don’t set up your office in the center of your home: Your work will dominate your family and personal life if you set it up in the middle of the house, and if you work in your bedroom, you may experience more relationship problems and feel drowsy at work.

Feng Shui Office Furniture and Windows

Learn how to pick and situate l shaped desk and repair windows according to feng shui.

  1. Repair broken windows: Clean windows and repair or repaint them if needed to enhance the flow of chi.
  2. Raise the l-shaped desk a few inches off the floor: Chi needs to be able to flow all around the room, even under the desk and the rugs.
  3. Less is more: Don’t clutter the room with too much furniture. Less is more.
  4. Maintain three feet of open space between furniture: Avoid bumping into furniture and blocking energy this way.
  5. Promote good conversation: Arrange couches and chairs so that you and your clients can easily talk to each other.
  6. Situate a larger l-shaped desk eight inches from the wall: This technique adds dimension and keeps the energy flowing all around.

Feng Shui Office Layout Desk

Office Layout Desk

Did you know that you can feng shui office layout l shaped desk? Read about it here.

  1. Your computer should be set up in North or West: Those directions inspire the most creativity, but if you’re looking to boost income, situate your computer in the southeast.
  2. Choose a curved, kidney-shaped desk: Rounded corners mean good, natural flow and creativity, and a kidney shape mirrors the shape of the human body, helping you feel aligned.
  3. Get a big enough desk: Your desk should be able to handle all the work you have to do and support you, so don’t skimp on size.
  4. Match the style to the purpose: Depending on what kind of work you do, the style of your desk should match its purpose.

Office Spacing & Positioning

Spacing and positioning are crucial to feng shui. These tips will help you position yourself, your clients, and your furniture for optimum chi flow.

  1. Sit in the farthest corner away from the entrance: This puts you in power or commanding position.
  2. South area deserves fire images: Use oranges, reds, and pinks to decorate the South area, which represents fame and reputation.
  3. Keep your back toward a corner or wall: This position will give you extra support.
  4. The Southeast area needs wood elements: Integrate wood elements and colors into the southeast area, which represents prosperity and abundance.
  5. Make sure you can see the door: In a home office, being able to see the door — where your business comes from — is especially important.
  6. Don’t face a wall: Directly facing a wall will make you feel like you’re in a “dead-end” position.
  7. Keep piles and paperwork hidden: Piles of paper on the floor keep you in the past. Organize papers and piles in cabinets and desk drawers.
  8. Rearrange the office every so often: Every year, or whenever you feel that the energy in your office is draining, rearrange furniture and decorations. Even a few inches makes a big difference.
  9. Situate visual images of goals above your eye line: Deadlines, goals, and dreams should be visually symbolized with objects placed above your eye line.
  10. Space clearings: When changing the purpose of a room, moving into a new house, or when someone has recovered from an illness, do a space clearing by thoroughly cleaning the room and making sure all elements are in order.

Office Lighting

Good lighting helps you concentrate and can put you in a better mood, so follow these tips.

  1. Avoid fluorescent light: Use warm lights instead to help you feel energized.
  2. Try purple lampshades: Purple lighting indicates wealth.
  3. Use lighting to soften corners: Soft lights in harsh corners will make them appear more relaxed.

Office Decorating & Accessories

From plants to fish to the right colors, these decorating tips will finish off your feng shui project.

  1. Create a vision board: If you’re having trouble accepting the fact that you can reach your goals, create a vision board filled with images, photographs, and objects that will inspire you.
  2. Use blue in the North or Southeast: Using blue to decorate the north side of your office will strengthen your career and, when used in the southeast, benefits wealth and prosperity.
  3. Get an aquarium: Give your business potential a boost by bringing an aquarium with black and blue fish to the North area.
  4. Use plants: Plants represent natural wood elements and help purify the air.
  5. Do not use mirrors: Mirrors let bad energy bounce back and forth between people, taking control away from you.
  6. Avoid clutter: Don’t over-decorate: you’ll feel emotionally and mentally cluttered if your office has too much stuff.
  7. Mix dream-inducing and logical objects and images: Balance your goals and dreams with more practical, logical objects that help you get down to business.
  8. Balance yin and yang: Always make sure the ratios of light to dark, hard and soft, and rough and smooth are balanced.
  9. Get a bell or doormat: Place these objects in front of the main entryway so that your clients and guests must “announce” themselves before coming in.
  10. Use the Bagua map: Print out this map to help you figure out which colors and which elements belong in the different areas of your home office.
Fernando Meyer

Fernando Meyer

Fernando Meyer is a freelance writer and founder of F-Meyer website. His writing strengths include business, financial topics, and lifestyle. He uses his life experiences to inspire his detailed and informative style of writing.

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